
Openshot rotate video
Openshot rotate video

When I import a clip that I shot in portrait mode, the clip needs to be rotated so that the clip comes out 720x1280. For example, my camera shoots video in 1280x720. What you get is a video that is rotated within the parameters of landscape mode so that the video is either cropped or it is shrunk to fit. I do realize that there exists a feature to rotate a video however, as I stated, it does not change the orientation of the video from landscape to portrait mode. Thanks for the response however, I believe the functionality I described does not exist currently in Openshot. Has there been discussion around changing the rotation feature to actually rotate the entire video orientation? It would be fabulous if Openshot actually rotated the orientation of the video when selecting to rotate. I'm forced to switch to Windows to use an app I have found that actually rotates the orientation of the video but the downside is that it reduces the quality and saves it on only.

openshot rotate video

I have found very few video editing programs that actually rotate the entire video and change the orientation from landscape to portrait.and none for Linux. What this does is effectively cut off the top and bottom portions of the video in order to fit inside the vertical parameters of landscape orientation.

openshot rotate video openshot rotate video

The rotation feature does not truly rotate the entire video, it rotates the video but keeps the same landscape orientation instead of rotating the entire orientation from landscape to portrait. we record in the vertical because we are taller than we are wide. In today's digital age, many people such as myself record video in portrait mode because we are videoing our kids and grandkids and wish to be as close as possible without all the useless space on the side.

openshot rotate video

I use Openshot quite a bit as I have found it to be the best (simplest and most intuitive) Linux video editing app however, I am frustrated by the lack of true video rotation.

Openshot rotate video